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Dr Errol Reiss
Research Microbiologist (retired)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Errol Reiss'
contribution to this Section is written in his private capacity. No
official support or endorsement by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services is intended
nor should be inferred.
Dr Art DiSalvo
Emeritus Director, Nevada State Laboratory
Emeritus Director of Laboratories, South Carolina Department of Health and
Environmental Control
Let us know what you think
Superficial mycoses. The term
“superficial mycosis” applies to diseases affecting the outermost layer
of the skin (stratum corneum), or growing along hair shafts. The most
common superficial mycosis is pityriasis versicolor, causing patches of
hypo- or hyper-pigmentation of the neck, shoulders, chest, and back, and
caused by lipophilic basidiomycete yeasts of the genus Malassezia.
Other superficial mycoses:
White piedra: soft, beige
nodules on the distal ends of hair shafts (Trichosporon species),
Black piedra: small firm black nodules on the hair shaft (Piedraia
Tinea nigra: brown to black stain on the palm of the hand or sole of
the foot (Hortaea werneckii.)
Clinical descriptions and microscopic morphology of these agents may
be found in Veasey et al., 2017
Cutaneous mycoses, the
dermatophytes (def: “skin fungi”.)
The dermatophytes are confined to grow on the non-living outer layers of
the skin (stratum corneum), and only exceptionally invade living tissue.
Unlike superficial mycoses, dermatophyte infections can be itchy,
inflammatory, and affect the smooth skin, hair, and nails. There are
three genera of dermatophytes: Microsporum, Trichophyton and, less
commonly, Epidermophyton. Dermatophytes produce extracellular enzymes (keratinases)
capable of hydrolyzing keratin.
Athlete’s Foot. This is general term, usually applied to dermatophytosis,
but also to other infections and non-infectious conditions, singly or in
combination, as follows (alphabetic order, not order of prevalence):
- Bacterial infection (erythrasma,
Pseudomonas, staphylococci, streptococci.)
- Fungal infection (tinea
- Injury due to over-vigorous
removal of peeling skin.
- Psoriasis, eczema, or
keratolysis exfoliativa (excessive sweating and friction can cause
the skin to exfoliate. Exposure to detergents and solvents also can
cause exfoliation)
- Soft corns-- areas of white
moist skin between the toes.
Dermatomycoses. Uncommon causes of
cutaneous mycoses are fungi other than dermatophytes. Mold agents of
nail infections, are Neoscytalidium, Scopulariopsis, Aspergillus spp.,
Fusarium spp. Candida albicans primary skin conditions (e.g.: diaper
rash) also are considered dermatomycoses.
Skin manifestations of systemic or disseminated mycoses include
blastomycosis, cryptococcosis, sporotrichosis, talaromycosis (formerly
Dermatophytosis (syn: ringworm, tinea) is a communicable skin disease of
the non-living outer layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum, and
may invade hair and nails, caused by a group of hyaline molds in three
genera: Microsporum, Trichophyton, and, less commonly,
These fungi break down keratin in skin, hair, and nails. They do not
invade living tissue or, in hair, beyond the keratogenous zone. The
classic skin lesion is ringworm -- circular with an active border,
inflammation, scaling, and pruritus.
“Ringworm.” This term originated in the 15th century to
describe any skin rash patterned in a ring formation. It is a misnomer
because the etiology is fungal, not parasitic. In 1841, David Gruby, a
Paris-based physician, described a fungus that is a cause of scalp
ringworm and, from the 1850’s, ringworm was considered a fungal disease.
This discovery was made even before dermatology was a recognized medical
specialty. Scalp ringworm in children caused by Trichophyton
tonusurans is sometimes called Gruby’s disease.
“Tinea” (def.: Latin, "larva" or "worm,") This refers to
dermatophyte infections on particular body sites, not to genus and
species of the causative agent! (Table 1). The ancient Romans associated
skin lesions on humans with holes in wool blankets caused by the larvae
of moths, the Tineidae.
The dermatophytoses are characterized by anatomic site-specificity
according to genera. e.g.: Epidermophyton floccosum infects only
skin and nails, but does not invade hair shafts and follicles.
Microsporum spp. infect hair and skin, but do not involve nails.
Trichophyton spp. may infect hair, skin, and nails.
Tinea type |
Body site |
Causative Agent(s) |
Anthropophilic |
Zoophilic |
Geophilic |
Beard |
T. verrucosum, T. mentagrophytes, M. canis |
Capitis |
Scalp |
T. tonsurans, M. audouinii, T. schoenleinii
(rare) |
M. canis |
Corporis |
Smooth skin |
T. rubrum/T. violaceumb,
E. floccosum |
M. canis |
M. gypseum, M. nanumc |
Cruris |
Groin |
As above |
Imbricata |
Smooth skin |
T. concentricuma |
Pedis |
Feet |
T. rubrum, T. interdigitale |
T. mentagrophytes |
T., Trichophyton, M.,
Microsporum, E, Epidermophyton,
a geographic
restriction to South Sea Islands etc.
b T. rubrum species complex
c name change to Nannizzia nana
Reference: de Hoog et al., 2017 |
Figure 1
Trichophyton rubrum. Colony Morphology, (S) surface; (R) reverse.
Photo credit: Jim Gathany CDC
Figure 2
T. rubrum microscopic morphology. Microconidia “Birds on a wire”
Photo credit: E. Reiss, CDC
Figure 3
Microsporum canis. Colony Morphology, (S) surface; (R) reverse.
Photo credit: Jim Gathany, CDC
Figure 4
M. canis. Microscopic morphology: spindle-shaped thick-walled,
multi-celled macroconidia (microconidia uncommon), lactofuchsin stain.
Photo credit: E. Reiss, CDC
Figure 5
Epidermophyton floccosum. Microscopic morphology: macroconidia
are oval to club-shaped, most with 2-4 septa, walls smooth, often in
clusters of 2 or 3, microconidia absent.
Photo credit: Geraldine Kaminski Library, #163 |
(Kidd et al., 2017)
There are 3 genera of dermatophytes:
Trichophyton species (14
As a group, these species infect skin, hair, and nails, but single species have
anatomic site restrictions. They rarely cause subcutaneous infections and those
occur in immuno-compromised individuals. Trichophyton spp. take 2 to 3
wks to grow in culture. Microconidia are the characteristic structures of the
genus Trichophyton. Macroconidia, when present, are smooth, with
thin-walls, septate (0-10 septa), and pencil-shaped. Colonies consist of loose
aerial mycelium secreting pigments in a variety of colors.
Trichophyton rubrum
This most common cause of tinea corporis does not infect hair. It can rarely
cause subcutaneous infections in immunocompromised individuals, such as
patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia.
- Colony morphology (Figure 1). Flat to slightly raised, white to
cream, suede-like with a pinkish-red reverse. The downy type has a
yellow-brown to wine-red reverse.
- Microscopic morphology (Figure 2). Granular type: numerous clavate
to pyriform microconidia formed evenly on hyphae, resembling “birds on a
wire.” Moderate numbers of smooth, thin-walled multiseptate, pencil
shaped macroconidia. It is the parent strain of downy type. The downy
type has fewer microconidia, macroconidia usually absent
Trichophyton tonsurans
A major causative agent of tinea capitis in the U.S.
- Colony morphology.
Vary in texture and color. Suede-like to powdery, flat with a raised
center or folded, often with radial grooves. Color varies from buff to
yellow, (the so called “sulfureum” form) to dark-brown. The reverse
varies from yellow-brown to red-brown to mahogany.
- Microscopic morphology.
Numerous microconidia along hyphae or on short conidiophores. Vary in
size and shape from long clavate to broad pyriform, at right angles to
the hyphae (“match stick” shape) and may enlarge into balloon forms.
Occasional smooth, thin-walled, irregular, clavate macroconidia in some
Trichophyton interdigitale
This anthropomorphic species is a common cause of tinea pedis.
- Colony morphology.
Flat, white to cream color, powdery to suede-like surface. Reverse is
yellowish and pinkish brown, becoming red-brown with age.
- Microscopic morphology.
Sub-spherical to pyriform microconidia, occasional spiral hyphae and
spherical chlamydoconidia. Occasional slender, clavate, smooth-walled,
multiseptate macroconidia
Microsporum species
(3 species: M.canis, M. audouinii, M. ferrugineum). The genus
Microsporum is identified by its macroconidia.
Microsporum canis is a common zoophilic dermatophyte
species infecting smooth skin and hair of humans, nails rarely are affected.
Scalp infections with this species are identified because infected hairs
fluoresce bright green when illuminated with UV-emitting Wood's light.
- Colony morphology (Figure 3). Surface is loose, cottony, white to
cream color; reverse usually a bright yellow, but may be non-pigmented.
- Microscopic morphology. Macroconidia large, spindle-shaped,
multicelled, thick walls, and echinulate (spiny) often with a terminal
knob (Figure 4); microconidia are uncommon.
Epidermophyton floccosum
This species infects skin and nails and rarely hair.
- Colony morphology. Suede-like surface, greenish-brown or khaki, often
raised and folded in the center. Reverse is yellowish-brown.
- Microscopic morphology. No microconidia. Multiple smooth, club-shaped
macroconidia, 2-6 cells, often in clusters of 2 or 3 ( Figure 5)
Geographic distribution: Dermatophytes occur worldwide, but some species
are geographically limited. Dermatophytes causing human infections may
have different natural sources and modes of transmission. Knowledge of
the species of dermatophyte and source of infection are important for
proper treatment control of the source. Invasion by zoophilic or
geophilic species may cause inflammatory disease in humans (Table 2.)
- Anthropophilic – These spp.
are usually associated with humans only; transmission from
human-to-human is by close contact or through contaminated objects,
e.g.: sharing caps and combs, contact by high school wrestlers (tinea
- Zoophilic - Usually
associated with animals; transmission to humans is by close contact
with animals (cats, dogs, cattle) or with contaminated products.
Sometimes transmission is from human to human in outbreaks, or from
human to animal, e.g.: child with tinea capitis or corporis
spreading the infection to pet kitten.
- Geophilic – Species are found
in the soil and are transmitted to humans by direct exposure.
Table 2. Classification of dermatophytes based on ecologic
source and host response |
Geophilic |
Zoophilic |
Anthropophilic |
Infection |
inflammation |
Moderate inflammation |
Non-inflammatory |
Transmission |
From environment |
Animal -> Human
Human <- Animal |
Human-> Human |
Resolution |
Rapid |
Self-limited outbreaks |
Chronic |
Incidence and prevalence,
risk groups, and factors
A survey of cutaneous fungal infections in the USA (1995-2004) was
conducted from records of ambulatory clinic visits (Panackal et al.,
2009.) Overall percentages of the type of dermatophytosis reported
for this period were: tinea unguium--23.2%, whereas tinea corporis/manuum,
tinea pedis, tinea capitis/barbae, and tinea cruris represented
20.4%, 18.8%, 15.0%, and 8.4%, visits respectively. In addition,
7.2% of visits were to diagnosis pityriasis versicolor.
In their study, Panackal et al., 2009, found the prevalence of tinea
capitis in the African-American population was 12 times that among
the white population. Of all tinea capitis cases, 85.6% occurred
among children below 15-years-old. The southern USA showed a
significantly higher proportion of visits (39.5% for tinea capitis
than did other regions.
School-based screening is important to identify children
requiring treatment for tinea capitis or for the carrier state (Hay
2017.) The last 10–20 years saw the spread of dermatophytes,
especially Trichophyton tonsurans, in the Americas, Europe,
and Africa. Changes in the epidemiology of tinea capitis are a rise
of M. canis in some parts of Europe and the spread of T.
tonsurans in urban communities in the USA, the UK, and France.
Other areas affected in what could be described as an epidemic are
South America and West Africa. Trends in tinea capitis are
influenced by movement of populations, seen in rises in
Trichophyton violaceum and Microsporum audouinii in
countries previously not endemic. Persistence of tinea capitis in
some communities challenges treatment and community infection
control, but this infection is no longer regarded as a health
Tinea cruris. Clinic visits in the USA during
the1995 - 004 study period approximately 75% of cases were among
males compared with females, with most infections among adults
between 25-44 years of age.
Tinea pedis may be the most common dermatophytosis
world-wide, affecting 70% of the population at some time. Risk
factors are wearing occlusive shoes for long periods of time,
such as in manual laborers, walking barefoot at community pools,
in gym shower rooms, and those living in closed communities.
Prevalence increases with age. The frequency of tinea pedis is
several-fold higher among males than females.
Onychomycosis is the most common inflammatory disease of
the nails, causing 15–40% of all nail disturbances. It includes
tinea unguium, Candida, and those caused by non-dermatophyte
molds. An estimated one-third of nail infections are acquired
from local spread from tinea pedis, and 80% of these affect the
big toes. Risk factors for tinea unguium and other fungal causes
of onychomycosis include increasing age, peripheral vascular
disease, trauma and excessive sweating. Fungal nail disease is
more prevalent in persons with immunosuppressive conditions,
diabetes, HIV/AIDS.
Dermatophytosis is a communicable disease with fungal elements and/or
conidia persisting on fomites like towels, bedsheets, caps, combs; and
on surfaces like gym shower rooms. Outbreaks of tinea capitis, once very
prevalent among poor children in early decades of the 20th century (Fox
1909) are seen today in pediatric refugees (Mashiah et al., 2016.)
Asymptomatic adult carriers may be a source of tinea capitis in
children. Another example is transmission between pets or livestock and
Dermatophytes have a number of genes encoding proteinases. These
secreted proteinases act at acidic and neutral pH. Endoproteinases
produce large peptides, whereas exoproteinases release amino acids and
short peptides. But proline containing peptides make up roadblocks,
requiring a prolyl peptidase to act so that further proteolysis can
occur (Gräser et al, 2018.)
An important characteristic of dermatophytes is that they utilize
compact hard keratin as a nutrient source. But dermatophyte secreted
proteinases are incapable of degrading hard keratin unless accompanied
by the reduction of cysteine disulfide bridges, which are key to the
resistant nature of keratin. During keratin degradation, dermatophytes
excrete sulfite as a reducing agent, which cleaves disulfide bonds so
that reduced keratin can be attacked by secreted proteinases.
Sulfitolysis is an essential step in the digestion of compact
keratinized tissues, which precedes the action of all proteinases.
Figure 6
Photo Credit: H.J. Shadomy, Ph.D
Figure 7
Tinea corporis. Active border, central clearing.
Source: E. Reiss
Figure 8
Tinea barbae Ringworm of the bearded areas face and neck syn.:“barber’s
itch”. The infection occurs as a follicular inflammation, or as a
cutaneous granulomatous lesion.
Source: CDC Public Health Image Library #4807
Figure 9
Tinea capitis “black dot ringworm” in scalp of a child caused by T.
tonsurans original no. #9_1
Photo credit: Prof. Tadahiko Matsumoto, MD.
Figure 10
Tinea pedis, intertriginal form caused by T. rubrum Shows scaling
macerated skin between the toes.
Photo Credit: Geraldine Kaminski Library #309 and Drs G. Donald and D.
Hill, Adelaide, S.A.
Figure 11
Tinea unguium, distal lateral subungual (#730_3)
Photo credit: Prof. Tadahiko Matsumoto MD.
Figure 12
Pityriasis versicolor caused by Malassezia species.
Photo credit: H.J. Shadomy, Ph.D. |
Dermatologists use the term “tinea” to refer to a variety of lesions
of the skin, scalp, or nails.
Other terms used in dermatophytosis:
Kerion (Gr., kerion – honeycomb.)
In tinea capitis, or scalp ringworm, a large boggy swelling on the
scalp, with ulcerated areas exuding pus, and accompanied by hair
loss. May become secondarily infected with bacteria (Figure 6).
Please follow a link out to a case of kerion before and after
griseofulvin therapy from Images in Clinical Medicine of the
New Engl J Med (http://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMicm1514152?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3Dwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov&)
A form of tinea capitis characterized by crusts, or “scutula,” that
form along the hair shaft. They are composed of pus, from the
infected follicle, combined with hyphae, spores and cell debris. May
result in permanent balding (alopecia.) Favus is rare and is
associated with Trichophyton schoenleinii hair invasion. (Reiss et
al. 2012)
Tinea corporis.
Small circular lesions with active red border and central
scaling. Lesions may occur anywhere on the smooth skin of the body
(Figure 7)
Tinea barbae
Ringworm of the bearded areas of the face and neck (Figure 8).
Tinea capitis
Scalp. Three types of this infection are, gray patch, black dot, and
favus. Black dot, caused by T. tonsurans, in its classic
presentation, involves scaly patches of alopecia with hairs broken
at the skin line (black dot form) and crusting (Figure 9). If left
untreated it may progress to kerion -- boggy tender plaques and
pustules. (Figure 6). Adults are known to harbor dermatophytes in
their scalps in a carrier state.
Hair invasion in tinea capitis
- Ectothrix form of infection. Intrapiliary hyphae grow
down towards the bulb of the hair. The common causes are Microsporum species. Fluorescence under Wood’s light (UV 365
nm) is present in most ectothrix infections. Ectothrix
infections are usually scaly and inflamed. Hair shafts break
off 2–3 mm or more above scalp level.
- Endothrix. This form is caused by T. tonsurans and
members of the T. rubrum/violaceum complex of African origin
and are fluorescent under Wood’s light. Hairs break at scalp
level leaving stubs (black dot ringworm.)
- Favus. The favic type is caused by T. schoenleinii.
Affected hairs are less damaged and may continue to grow.
There are air spaces in the hair shafts with fungal hyphae
forming large clusters at the base of hairs where they enter
the follicle.
Tinea cruris
Tinea cruris or “jock itch” is a contagious infection of the groin,
perineum and/or perianal area usually occurring in male adolescents
and young men. The scrotum and penis are spared. Transmission is by
fomites, or by autoinoculation of dermatophytes on the feet or
hands. The differential diagnosis includes Candida intertrigo which
affects the scrotum, has satellite lesions, and is red but without
an active border.
Tinea pedis
Infection of toe webs and soles of feet, "Athlete's foot" (although
this term also includes other causes of foot infection, see above)
Intertriginal (Figure 10)
Toe webs affected by erythema, maceration, fissuring, and
scaling, often accompanied by pruritus.
Inflammatory/vesicular type
Painful, pruritic vesicles or bullae, most often on the instep
or anterior plantar surface. Lesions can contain either clear or
purulent fluid; after they rupture, scaling with erythema
persists. Cellulitis, lymphangitis, and adenopathy can
complicate this type of tinea pedis. May be more severe in
diabetic persons.
Moccasin foot
Chronic hyperkeratotic tinea pedis. This type of tinea pedis
presents as chronic plantar erythema with slight scaling to
diffuse hyperkeratosis. It can be asymptomatic or pruritic. The
term “moccasin tinea pedis”, refers to its moccasin-like
distribution. Both feet are usually affected. Typically, the
dorsal surface of the foot is clear. Scratching feet may result
in the “two feet, one hand” presentation.
Tinea unguium (def.: a form of onychomycosis caused by
dermatophytes) –
Nail infections. Seen mostly in adults, toenails are most often
affected. This infection is chronic resulting in discoloration,
thickening, raised and deformed nails. T. rubrum is frequently the
causative agent. Tinea unguium is resistant to topical antifungal
agents. Onychomycosis is classified in subtypes. Hay and Baron
(2011) show illustrations of each type:
- Distal and lateral subungual (Figure 11): Subungual
hyperkeratosis and onycholysis, yellow-white (or other color)
longitudinal streaks and onycholytic areas in the center of the
- Superficial: Patchy white (may be black) areas of infection
on the nail surface originating under the proximal nail fold.
Molds, other than dermatophytes, can present a deeper form of
this type.
- Proximal subungual: Diffuse pattern or transverse striate
pattern originating in the proximal nail plate moving slowly
towards the outer edge as the nail grows. Secondary to
paronychia. A range of fungi involved include dermatophytes (T.
rubrum), Fusarium, C. albicans and Aspergillus spp.
- Endonyx: Nail is penetrated directly through the nail plate
which has a white appearance, many fungi in the nail plate, with
no subungual hyperkeratosis or onycholysis.
- Mixed patterns of the above types may occur. Total
dystrophic onychomycosis: The end stage of a variety of
subtypes; the nail plate crumbles the nail bed is thickened
ridged, opaque.
Candidal onychomycosis. Candida albicans can infect the skin
around the nail = paronychia. The undersurface of the nail may
be colonized, with onycholysis of the nail plate. In patients
with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis or other immunodeficits
several digits may be show oncholysis and paronychia.
Molds which are non-dermatophytes can cause nail infections.
These molds, (except Neoscytalidium dimidiatum) do not digest
keratin. Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, is a common causative
agent. Other species include Acremonium spp., Aspergillus spp.,
Fusarium spp. and Onychocola canadensis. Non-dermatophyte molds
may account for about 20% of onychomycosis in North America.
Many of these molds do not respond to antifungal agents intended
for dermatophytes or for Candida nail infections. Risk factors
for non-dermatophyte mold nail infections are similar to those
for dermatophyte causes of onychomycosis.
Tinea versicolor
Characterized by a blotchy discoloration of skin which may itch. Up
to 25% of the general population may have this lesion at any one
time. Diagnosis is usually possible by direct microscopic
examination of KOH-treated skin scrapings which show a typical
aspect of mycelia and spores described as "spaghetti and meatballs."
Tinea versicolor is caused by Malassezia furfur (Figure 12).
THERAPY (Further details
including dosage regimens may be found in Reiss et al., 2012.)
- Tinea Capitis
Topical therapy with ketoconazole-containing shampoo (Nizoral®) is
effective against Trichophyton tinea capitis. Selenium sulfide (Selsun
blue®) is another shampoo choice. Oral terbinafine is preferred
therapy for T. tonsurans tinea capitis because it is well-tolerated,
has a high cure rate, and is inexpensive. The kerion form caused by
Microsporum spp. should be treated with griseofulvin. Delay in
treating kerion risks scarring and permanent hair loss. Griseofulvin
binds to newly produced keratin, forming a barrier to further
invasion by the fungus. After treatment begins, a child may return
to school but should avoid sharing caps, combs, brushes for 2 wks.
Family members may be asymptomatic carriers, and treatment with
fungicidal shampoo may be advisable (selenium sulfide or
ketoconazole product.)
- Tinea corporis
Old fashioned remedies consisted of Whitfield’s ointment (salicylic
and benzoic acid) which stimulates sloughing of epidermal cells.
Modern treatment consists of topical creams, lotions, gels, and
shampoos containing azole antifungal agents, e.g.: clotrimazole,
ketoconazole, or miconazole. High school wrestlers with the
gladiatorum form of tinea corporis should be treated with topical
antifungal agents for 72 h before returning to wrestle. Therapy for
related superficial and cutaneous mycoses: intertriginous
candidiasis is treated with nystatin powder. Pityriasis versicolor
is treated with Selsun blue® or Nizoral® shampoos, terbinafine
topical solution.
- Tinea unguium
Mycologic cure is defined as a negative KOH prep and negative
culture. Complete cure is defined as less than 5% of clinical
involvement of the target toenail. Oral therapy is more effective
than topical treatment of tinea unguium and the drug of choice is
terbinafine which provides complete cure rates ranging from 44 - 46%
(reviewed by Gupta et al. 2017.) Rarely, elevated serum aminotransferase and liver injury have been reported in patients
taking oral onychomycosis therapies.
- Topical therapy
Topical therapies for toenail dermatophytosis require good
compliance for 6 mo to 1 year to achieve results. Cure rates are
usually below 50% because the nail plate acts as a barrier to
drug. In the U.S. three topicals approved for onychomycosis are:
ciclopirox 8% nail lacquer (Ciclodan®, Penlac®), tavaborole 5%
solution (Kerydin®), and efinaconazole 10% solution (Jublia®,)
Lacquers are typically applied transungually to the dorsal and
the ventral aspect of the nail plate.
- Mechanism of Action
Efinaconazole has low keratin affinity and penetrates through
the nail plate. Transungual and subungual routes of delivery are
achieved with spreading around and under the nail plate.
Tavaborole is a boron-containing compound that inhibits fungal
growth by binding to leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS), an
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (AARS.) Tavaborole binds the editing
site of LeuRS, trapping tRNA and preventing DNA translation and
protein synthesis (Gupta et al., 2015.) Ciclopirox and
cyclopyrox olamine are hydroxypyridone compounds
(6-cyclohexyl-1-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(1H)-pyridone.) The
ethanolamine moiety, when present, does not add to the
antifungal effect. In nail lacquers, ciclopirox is free acid
whereas in other formulations it is ethanolamine salt. The
principal mode of antifungal activity of ciclopirox olamine is
due to iron chelation, which restricts the availability of iron
to the fungal cell and consequently inhibits growth (Niewerth et
al., 2003.)
- Clinical trial results
Tavaborole. Follow-up from clinical trials of tavaborole in a
sub-set of patients who had complete or almost clear nail after
48 wks of once-daily tavaborole were evaluated at week 60. Of 62
patients who completed post-treatment follow-up, cure was higher
in the tavaborole-treated group versus placebo (28.6% vs. 7.7%.
Treatment success was 53.1% for the tavaborole group versus
23.1% in the vehicle group. Tavaborole topical solution, 5%,
appears to provide durable clinical benefit for dermatophyte-associated
onychomycosis of the toenail (Gupta et al, 2018.)
Efinaconazole. Gupta and Studholme (2016) reported complete
cure of 29.4% (40 out of 136 patients) after 48 wks of daily
application of efinaconazole in patients with onychoymycosis and
tinea pedis. In a larger phase III trial consisting of 993
non-diabetic patients a complete cure rate of 18.8% was
achieved. Lower cure rates were observed in diabetic patients.
Mycologic cure rates were higher (56%) than complete cure rates
(18.8%.) Ciclopirox. Mycologic cure rates of 29-36% and clinical
cure rates of 6-9% were achieved (reviewed by Gupta et al.
Laser therapy for
onychomycosis (Liddell and Rosen 2015).
Mechanisms proposed for laser action against fungi are (1) laser
energy may be preferentially absorbed by fungal pathogens resulting
in photothermal and photomechanical damage; or (2) damage resulting
from the formation of free radicals by incident laser energy and
light absorption by fungal pigment xanthomegnin, present in high
concentration in Trichophyton rubrum. Most commonly the Nd: YAG 1064
nm laser is used. The 1064 nm wavelength passes into the nail bed
heating fungal cells resulting in damage and growth inhibition.
Lasers received regulatory approval for “temporary cosmetic
improvement” of onychomycosis, not as a fungicidal therapy for
From 22 clinical studies with sufficient data to analyze, 13
studies reported clinical and mycologic cures in at least half of
treated patients (Francuzik et al. 2016.) But small sample sizes
enrolled, different study designs, with few sufficiently powered
randomized controlled studies, make a conclusion of efficacy in
laser treatment of onychomycosis difficult. A small number of
studies report outcomes 12 mo after final laser treatment. Efficacy
was reduced at final follow up with a significant number of relapses
or recurrences. Most studies so far lack placebo or standard of care
control groups, report different criteria clearance of nail debris,
have small enrollments. Clinical benefit remains to be determined
compared with other topical or systemic therapies. At this time
laser therapy results in a low number of adverse events and mild
intensity but prolonged remission of symptoms remains to be
Figure 13
Skin scrapings mounted in 0.1% Calcofluor White stain showing
Microsporum canis. Transmitted white light.
Photo credit: used by permission from Brian J. Harrington, Ph.D.,
M.P.H. Professor University of Toledo, Toledo, OH.
Figure 14
Skin scrapings mounted in 0.1% Calcofluor White stain showing
Microsporum canis. Epi-illumination UV light with supplementary 520nm
barrier filter.
Photo credit: used by permission from Brian J. Harrington, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Professor University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. |
Specimen collection
- Nails are clipped for microscopic exam and culture. Clip a
generous portion of the affected area including scrapings of
subungual debris. Transfer to a black piece of paper or place in a
sterile container (see medium selection below.)
- A tinea capitis sample can be taken by scraping the black dots
(hairs broken off at the skin line). A Wood’s lamp is useful to
collect these specimens if tinea capitis is due to Microsporum canis
but hairs infected with Trichophyton tonsurans do not fluoresce.
Scraping for direct examination is preferred including skin scales
and hair stumps. Cut hairs are not suitable. Plastic toothbrushes
may be used to brush scalps for culture when there is little obvious
- Skin scrapings are taken with a #15 scalpel blade or the edge of
a glass slide directly onto a microscope slide or test tube. If
specimens are to be stored, keep them at room temperature, as
dermatophytes are sensitive to cold.
Direct examination by KOH prep.
(Kelly 2012)
Skin scrapings and plucked hairs are examined in the microscope in a
10% KOH mount. Addition of Calcofluor (CFW, a fluorescent brightener)
can increase sensitivity of detection, but requires a fluorescence
microscope (Figures 13, 14.)
Place two drops of 10% KOH on the specimen, followed by a coverslip.
(Optionally, add 1 or 2 drops of Calcofluor white reagent, mix, and then
coverslip) If it does not clear rapidly, place slide in petri plate and
allow to stand 10 min. For tissue or scrapings, place the slide on 35oC
bench top heat block for 15-20 min. (For KOH-Calcofluor, examine under
fluorescent microscope.)
Observe under low power, then high-dry objective. (Take care because
KOH can damage microscope lenses.)
KOH dissolves squamous cells leaving fungal elements intact.
Dermatophytes show septate, branching hyphae of even diameter,
chains of rectangular arthrospores (arising from fragmented hyphae.)
Up to 35% of dermatophyte-infected nails fail to grow in culture, so
microscopy is important in making the diagnosis. False-negatives may
be caused by inadequate specimen size. False-positives occur when
hair shafts or clothing fibers are mistaken for hyphae. These
artifacts are larger than hyphae, not segmented, nor branched.
Media for growth
Consult the Difco and BBL Manual of Microbiological
Culture Media
Catalog for detailed descriptions of media
Preferred media for growth of dermatophytes are Inhibitory Mold
Agar, Potato Dextrose agar. These media are superior to the commonly
used Sabouraud Dextrose Agar because they stimulate sporulation.
Addition of antibiotics and cycloheximide suppress bacteria and
saprobic fungi, but allow growth of dermatophytes. Pairing cultures
in medium without cycloheximide is optional but facilitates recovery
of fungi other than dermatophytes.
Dermatophyte test medium is an option. It contains papaic digest of
soybean meal, glucose, phenol red (pH indicator), cycloheximide,
gentamicin, and chloramphenicol. Dermatophytes produce typical
morphology and a pink to red color in the medium around the colony
within 10-14 d incubation.
Implant cutaneous specimens by gently pressing the samples into the
agar surface of plate or slant tubes. One agar plate, or agar slant,
should contain chloramphenicol and cycloheximide and another with
chloramphenicol only (see recommended media, above). Incubate for
7-14 d at 26-30°C: Plates in an inverted position (agar side up)
with increased humidity and slant tubes with caps loosened to allow
air to circulate.
If direct microscopy was negative and there is no growth after 7
d, report as negative.
- If a dermatophyte grows it is reported, and then plates are
kept at 26-30°C to identify it by colony and microscopic
morphology. (If a slow grower like T. verrucosum is suspected,
longer incubation is advised.)
- Negative cultures with positive microscopy can be reported
after 7 d, but then reincubate an additional wk before
discarding after 2 wks. Report again if a slow-growing
dermatophyte is isolated.
- If there is no growth from a specimen after a fungus was
seen by microscopic exam of the specimen, review the culture
plate or slant for pin point colonies near the planted specimen
using a dissecting microscope. Further detailed advice may be
found in the reference: Public Health England 2016.
Patients infected with a dermatophyte may show vesicles, often on the
hands, from which no fungi can be recovered or demonstrated. These
lesions, which often occur on the dominant hand (i.e.: right-handed or
left-handed), are secondary to immunologic sensitization to a primary
(and often unnoticed) infection located somewhere else (e.g.: feet).
These secondary lesions do not respond to topical treatment but will
resolve after the primary infection is successfully treated.
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